WIR BAUEN FUR WILHEMSBURG! vom 17 August bis 1 September! (
Friday, September 7, 2007
the days of the last
construction for new walls... why?
looks like a new city is approaching from far away, getting closer and closer...
the wall of the fake or the wall of the imagination can cause a nightmare or a new place to be or a wish of the owner that has only the money to have a painting of the wall rather then building it, to come true...
she left the book open and the wilhemsburg project come along with the next dream! gute nacht!
02 september
Radio days are here again! Spreading around as much as possible...
the project posters have a lot to say when they stand beside "ordinary" posters. the language and the tone of the ordinary one affects the other one and causes a mis-reading of them all.
this one makes the passing one stop for a moment and take the poster and take it home and place it on the refrigerator.
şşşttt, there is a poster left for you around the corner.
happy workers of the project!
andddd when all the posters are placed together and then one effects the other and causes a different narrative then the ones on the street. it looks like an open book, a lot of pages but also it is visible that they are posters. the posters have caused a platform to occur, the platform of the residents to speak by themselves with the help of some questions and with the help of four people coming together in Hamburg. (the wooden corner looks like a sauna)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
How was Nadin's experience as being living in Berlin, working in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg and has been worked in Istanbul?
How was Oda Projesi's experience as being living in Istanbul, working in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg and has been worked in other German cities?
How was Oda Projesi's experience as being living in Istanbul, working in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg and has been worked in other German cities?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
01 september
Please take your time to read the blog that was made from istanbul without being phsically included in the project but being the outsider eye and share your ideas with us!
Transform the minibus to an area of sitting, watching and listening things open to be shared.
Irit Rogoff says; "In what way then does it enable us to think of 'audience' when we think of being as meaning and of ourselves as the circulation of meaning. Surely this enables us to somewhat diminish the object / viewer dichotomy we have been labouring with and to begin to think of the ways in which meaning circulates. After all "there is no meaning if meaning is not shared".
Irit Rogoff continues; "To speak of collectivities is to de-nativise community, to argue it away from the numerous essential roots of place and race and kinship structures that have for so long been the glue that has held it together."
hope that we have a link to the music soon, it sounds great; covers a lot from the whole process..
A welcoming carpet for the blog!
Friday, August 31, 2007
30 august
Some strategies in this commodifying times: like, creating ways and possibilities of invisibility; in the times of visibility where to be visible in terms of gender, class, minorities is getting more and more important, working on creating spaces more engaged with daily life sources and dissolving in them; like newspaper, radio, new spaces working with already existing spaces like schools, offices, shops… / thinking on the citizen as an author not a reader of the city / to believe that more possibilities arise from the expanding system of exchange instead of change / to think of “to cause to happen” as a tactic / to work on temporary spaces rather then situating oneself in one place and becoming “like an institution” mentally and practically / to re-imagine the value of experience rather then putting more effort on the final product and to be open to experience in the sense that it leads to other ends rather then the estimated one / to think on “the act of persuading”; what makes people come together for a certain act, that they are persuaded / a temporary negotiation for something to happen can lead to permanent acts / to work in places that don’t offer guarantee, guarantee in terms of “art spaces”, “institutions”… / to think on the relation of guest and host while thinking on knowledge production also, as the vertical hierarchy built up through production and also even in places where these issues are discussed as the lecturer and audience / to rethink on the acts that one can do as a “gift”, so what to do with the gift? / to think that art can weaken the boundaries it creates around it and around the existing systems / not to be instrumentalized in the production of product or ideas and avoiding to be perceived as a label / to imagine the space.
Two pens to work on a project...
Read and smell the poster!
Dream Team!
Welcome to the poster table!
After all a happy end!
Let me take you down / cause I’m going to / Strawberry fields / Nothing is real / And nothing to get hung about / Strawberry fields forever
John Lennon
The bag looks familiar!
Can this be a weathercock?
The group is passing by or coming to the table to join the project; you will never know...
The curious lady won't stop by and ask "what are you doing here?" which is a question that shows who is the guest who is the host.
The chairs look like they have nothing to do with the minibus.
In front of the post office where lots of words start travelling around the chair waits for the new visitor to come and tell about the wall.
Wilhemsburg's daydream... or
Truth is a dream my lord / This dream is what he only values in life my lord / It is strange but good will is what is needed for a dream my lord
Sevim Burak
Two pens to work on a project...
Read and smell the poster!
Dream Team!
Welcome to the poster table!
After all a happy end!
Let me take you down / cause I’m going to / Strawberry fields / Nothing is real / And nothing to get hung about / Strawberry fields forever
John Lennon
The bag looks familiar!
Can this be a weathercock?
The group is passing by or coming to the table to join the project; you will never know...
The curious lady won't stop by and ask "what are you doing here?" which is a question that shows who is the guest who is the host.
The chairs look like they have nothing to do with the minibus.
In front of the post office where lots of words start travelling around the chair waits for the new visitor to come and tell about the wall.
Wilhemsburg's daydream... or
Truth is a dream my lord / This dream is what he only values in life my lord / It is strange but good will is what is needed for a dream my lord
Sevim Burak
26 august 2005 -istanbul
What a coincidence, 2 years ago this month, artist Asako İwama has been in Istanbul and did this mobile picnic project under Galata tower. So the story was; to eat sushi under Galata Tower from a wendlers car that normally sells corn but this time designed by Asako with the help of dear carpenter Sarp Abi.
Was für ein Zufall, vor zwei Jahren in diesem Monat war der Künstler Asako Iwama in Istanbul und hat ein mobiles Picknickprojekt unter dem Galata Turm gemacht. Die Geschichte war folgende; unter dem Galata Turm Sushi essen von einem Auto, das normalerweise Mais verkauft, dieses Mal aber von Asako mit Hilfe des Tischlers Sarp Abi designed wurde.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
28 august
Looks like a thrilling story opening; the man waits under the traffic signs in a forest like place. One road that divides the forest is not a very welcoming place. The lady sews from a distance, the wind blows telling about a coming threat. The spider spins his net slowly, the man starts walking to the lady.
Sieht wie ein spannender Aufmacher aus; ein Mann wartet unter einem Strassenschild in einem waldähnlichen Platz. Die Strasse, die den Wald durchschneidet, sieht nicht sehr einladend aus. Eine Frau näht in der Ferne, der Wind weht und kündigt eine baldige Bedrohung an. Eine Spinne webt langsam ihr Netz, der Mann geht auf die Frau zu.
Nadin drinks her coffee while she sews the posters in a rich neighbourhood where you see more cars then people; strangely silent- birds sings only.
What can be the reason that one project will need to travel around asking people "their ideas" can be about a wall but also other things; that may break the routin and the general understanding of the consumption.
Nadin trinkt ihren Kaffee während sie ein Poster in einer wohhabenden Gegend näht, in der man mehr Autos als Menschen sieht; es ist seltsam still - nur die Vögel singen.
Was kann wohl der Grund für ein Projekt sein herumzufahren und Menschen nach ihrer Meinung über die Mauer und andere Dinge zu fragen; es kann die Routine und das generelle Konsumverständnis durchbrechen
The sewing maschine can help the posters and the project to come together, to be attached to each other. Nadin likes to sew, she did a tent project in the neighbourhood where the Oda Projesi once was; all the women in the neighbourhood were quite interested, the tent that was a story telling cave like place travelled a lot around the world with different stories and sewed images on it... There was a add on the paper: ( can an artist apply for this?)
Looking for a tent maker : Industrial sewing machine operator • 35-40 hours per week • Easy commute. • Ideal for OPEN MINDED, hardworking, person who likes the company of dogs, camping gear and listening to music while making things. • Small company that makes canvas tents and other custom sewn items.
Die Nähmaschine kann den Postern und auch dem Projekt dazu verhelfen zusammenzukommen, einander nah zu sein. Nadin näht gerne, sie hat ein Zeltprojekt in der Nachbarschaft, in der Oda Projesi war gemacht; alle Frauen in der Nachbarschaft waren sehr interessiert, das Zelt war eine Art mobile Geschichtenhöhle, die um die Welt gereist ist, mit vielen verschiedenen Geschichten und genähten Motiven darauf... Es gab eine Anzeige in einer Zeitung: (kann sich ein Künstler dafür bewerben?)
Suche Zeltmacher: muss industrielle Maschinen bedienen können, 35-40 Stunden die Woche, Gleitzeit, Ideal für eine offene, hart arbeitende Person, die Hunde, Camping Ausrüstung und Musik während der Arbeit mag. Kleines Unternehmen, das Zeltleinwände und andere maßgefertigte genähte Dinge anfertigt.
A sewing maschine can face a laptop in a project.
Eine Nähmaschine kann in diesem Projekt einem Laptop begegnen.
27 august- hamburg
Lets re-read this paragraph. It is taken from a workshop report on urban regeneration in the Mediterranean region: " There is a strong need in the Mediterranean region to promote the urban regeneration projects. Many cities in north Europe and America have made such attempts, often very successfully, while in the Mediterranean region there is still a lot to be done. Urban regeneration (UR) is a relatively new concept that goes beyond urban renewal and modernisation, which are processes dealing mainly with physical change. Urban regeneration implies that the problems encountered in towns and cities should be tackled with a long-term, more strategic purpose in mind. Therefore, urban regeneration is considered to be a large and complex activity that could not be supported by an individual investor or promoter. This type of intervention requires a large financial investment, long-term commitment, and implies participation of numerous actors."
Laß uns den Paragraph nochmal lesen. Er wurde aus einem Workshop Bericht über Stadterneuerung in der Mittelmeergegend entnommen. "In der Mittelmeerregion gibt es großen Bedarf für Stadterneuerung. Viele Städte in Nordeuropa und Amerika haben oft sehr erfolgreich solche Versuche unternomen, während in der Mittelmeerregion immer noch eine Menge zu tun ist. Stadterneuerung ist ein verhältnismäßig neues Konzept, welches mehr ist als Stadtvsanierung oder Moderniserung, welche Prozesse sind, die sich hauptsächlich mit dem äußerlichen Wandel beschäftigen. Stadterneuerung impliziert, dass man Problemfeldern in Groß- und Kleinstädten, mit einer Langzeitperspektive begegnet, sie mehr strategisch betrachtet. Daher ist Stadterneuerung ein großes und komplexes Unterfangen, das nicht nur von einem einzelnen Investor oder Förderer unterstützt werden kann. Diese Form der Verändeurng erfordert große finanzielle Investitionen, langfristige Verpflichtungen und impliziert die Beteiligung mehrer Akteure.
The house waits. The minibus waits. The table waits. The chairs wait. The carpet waits.
Das Haus wartet. Der Minibus wartet. Die Stühle warten. Der Teppich wartet.
I tried to talk about the project more but the lady wanted to go home.
Ich habe versucht über das Projekt zu reden, aber die Frau wollte nach Hause gehen.
It has been 5 hours now, that I have been waiting. It is getting colder. No one stops by. People don't look interested at all. Maybe we look strange from a distance. A grey table, some different chairs, a minibus with a name HinguckenWeggucken. Here lives busy people, they want to somewhere on time, they all pass by. One man looked interested; he said " a wall hmm there are too many walls around this neighbourhood..."
Es sind jetzt 5 Stunden, die ich hier warte. Es wird kälter. Keiner hält an. Die Leute zeigen überhaupt kein Interesse. Vielleicht wirken wir seltsam. Ein grauer Tisch, unterschiedliche Stühle, ein Minibus mit dem Namen HinguckenWeggucken. Hier wohnen beschäftigte Leute, sie wollen zu einer bestimmten Zeit wo sein, sie gehen alle vorbei. Ein Mann scheint interessiert; er sagt: " Eine Mauer mhhh hier in der Nachbarschaft gibt es zu viele Mauern..."
I am still waiting. It is a bit cold. I think of İstanbul, how is the weather over there. No one passes by just the cycling people. Looks like a rich neighbourhood. Why would one should care for a wall. There are two notebooks, a camera and a green candle on the grey table. The artist waits.
Ich warte immer noch. Ist ein wenig kalt. Ich denke an Istanbul, wie das Wetter dort ist. Keiner kommt vorbei, nur Radfahrer. Sieht nach einem reichen Viertel aus. Warum sollte sich jemand um eine Mauer kümmern. Es gibt zwei Notizbücher, eine Kamera und eine grüne Kerze auf dem grauen Tisch. Die Künstlerin wartet.
Laß uns den Paragraph nochmal lesen. Er wurde aus einem Workshop Bericht über Stadterneuerung in der Mittelmeergegend entnommen. "In der Mittelmeerregion gibt es großen Bedarf für Stadterneuerung. Viele Städte in Nordeuropa und Amerika haben oft sehr erfolgreich solche Versuche unternomen, während in der Mittelmeerregion immer noch eine Menge zu tun ist. Stadterneuerung ist ein verhältnismäßig neues Konzept, welches mehr ist als Stadtvsanierung oder Moderniserung, welche Prozesse sind, die sich hauptsächlich mit dem äußerlichen Wandel beschäftigen. Stadterneuerung impliziert, dass man Problemfeldern in Groß- und Kleinstädten, mit einer Langzeitperspektive begegnet, sie mehr strategisch betrachtet. Daher ist Stadterneuerung ein großes und komplexes Unterfangen, das nicht nur von einem einzelnen Investor oder Förderer unterstützt werden kann. Diese Form der Verändeurng erfordert große finanzielle Investitionen, langfristige Verpflichtungen und impliziert die Beteiligung mehrer Akteure.
The house waits. The minibus waits. The table waits. The chairs wait. The carpet waits.
Das Haus wartet. Der Minibus wartet. Die Stühle warten. Der Teppich wartet.
I tried to talk about the project more but the lady wanted to go home.
Ich habe versucht über das Projekt zu reden, aber die Frau wollte nach Hause gehen.
It has been 5 hours now, that I have been waiting. It is getting colder. No one stops by. People don't look interested at all. Maybe we look strange from a distance. A grey table, some different chairs, a minibus with a name HinguckenWeggucken. Here lives busy people, they want to somewhere on time, they all pass by. One man looked interested; he said " a wall hmm there are too many walls around this neighbourhood..."
Es sind jetzt 5 Stunden, die ich hier warte. Es wird kälter. Keiner hält an. Die Leute zeigen überhaupt kein Interesse. Vielleicht wirken wir seltsam. Ein grauer Tisch, unterschiedliche Stühle, ein Minibus mit dem Namen HinguckenWeggucken. Hier wohnen beschäftigte Leute, sie wollen zu einer bestimmten Zeit wo sein, sie gehen alle vorbei. Ein Mann scheint interessiert; er sagt: " Eine Mauer mhhh hier in der Nachbarschaft gibt es zu viele Mauern..."
I am still waiting. It is a bit cold. I think of İstanbul, how is the weather over there. No one passes by just the cycling people. Looks like a rich neighbourhood. Why would one should care for a wall. There are two notebooks, a camera and a green candle on the grey table. The artist waits.
Ich warte immer noch. Ist ein wenig kalt. Ich denke an Istanbul, wie das Wetter dort ist. Keiner kommt vorbei, nur Radfahrer. Sieht nach einem reichen Viertel aus. Warum sollte sich jemand um eine Mauer kümmern. Es gibt zwei Notizbücher, eine Kamera und eine grüne Kerze auf dem grauen Tisch. Die Künstlerin wartet.
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